Changing the culture that leads to domestic violence.

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Letter from the Executive Director: EQUITY

The Domestic Violence Network has always strived to be a beacon for change, not only in the domestic violence movement in Central Indiana, but for social justice overall, that extends to every person. As an organization, we recognize that it is not enough to be an organization that is “not racist” but we must actively practice anti-racism to effect change. This commitment requires honest conversations internally, with DVN staff, further education on racism, oppression, successful allyship, and necessary action for significant change. The most recent iteration of the Community Wide Plan, entitled EQUITY: listening to the truth, amplifying voices, changing systems, was created with the intention to focus specifically on the intersections of the experiences of Black and African American women and members of the LGBTQ+ community, and domestic violence. 

As a part of Equity, we have begun the formation of two task forces, one for Black and African American women and another for our LGBTQ+ community. Each group was designed to allow a safe and affirming space, for those who are a part of each of these communities, respectively, to discuss social issues and concerns and to create ways to address the social issues plaguing their communities. We are intentional that the only voices that should be heard in these spaces are the ones who are directly impacted; their voices have been silenced for far too long. In addition to these working groups, DVN is committed to providing education and training for the community-at-large. Throughout the year, we will host leaders from across the country whose work focuses on the advancement of Black and African American women, the LGBTQ+ community, and the domestic violence movement. The goal of these educational events is to raise and increase awareness, while simultaneously offering real action steps to effect change.

Our hope is that these events will serve as a call to action for significant change. There is much work to be done and we, Domestic Violence Network, firmly stand with the Black community and the LGBTQ+ community. We commit to doing our part through education, collaboration, and advocacy, the very mission of our organization.


— Kelly McBride, Executive Director