Indiana says NO MORE!
Hoosiers encouraged to take the NO MORE Pledge
More than 10,500 domestic violence victims were sheltered in Indiana last year. Another 4,000 victims were denied shelter according to the Indiana Coalition Against Domestic Violence. This is unacceptable!
Every Hoosier can do three things during Domestic Violence Awareness Month to end domestic violence in Indiana:
1. Raise Awareness.
- Wear the NO MORE pin. We’ll be distributing them at our events this month.
- Wear purple on Oct. 22 as a sign of unity and purpose to end domestic violence.
- Use the NO MORE symbol as your profile picture and in your email signature.
- Follow the hashtag #DVAM for ideas to end domestic violence.
2. Take the NO MORE Pledge at This means you will:
- Support survivors – Listen. Believe them. Help them get support.
- Speak up – Change our culture of violence with your words and actions.
- Donate time and resources. Volunteer at a shelter. Donate a cell phone, diapers, and other items or make a financial contribution.
3. Attend an event. Meet and talk to survivors and advocates and learn how you can help.
Let’s say NO MORE, Indiana! Beginning today, be mindful of your every word and interaction. And always ask yourself, do my words and actions show that I value and respect others, or do they perpetuate violence in my home and in my community?
Kelly McBride has been the executive director for the Domestic Violence Network since November 2013 and with the organization since July 2010.