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Agency Spotlight: Department of Child Services

Each month the Domestic Violence Network will spotlight a Network Partner’s Agency. 

The Department of Child Services’ Mission is to protect children from abuse and neglect, and works to ensure their financial support.

The Department of Child Services has many different services they provide. Most people think that DCS only serves for needs of Child Protective Services. DCS not only serves Child Protective Services, they also administer to Child Support, Adoption, & Foster Care throughout the state of Indiana.  DCS strives to protect children who are victims of abuse or neglect and strengthens families through services provided for support and preservation. The Central Indiana Office is located in the Indiana Government Center South at 302 West Washington St. Room E306.

If you suspect a child is in danger or neglected please call The Child Abuse & Neglect Hotline

1-800-800-5556. This Hotline is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. For your protection, all reports can be made anonymously. Also please visit the DCS website at where you can find more information on all the services provided.