Changing the culture that leads to domestic violence.

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A Different Kind of Lesson Plan, Have DVN Come to Your Child’s School

Educate and talk to your children  to protect them

My daughter is twelve. She is a beautiful, smart, talented young woman. She has a dynamic set of girlfriends who are as equally beautiful, smart and talented. There are six of them in total and they call themselves “the squad.” You will not meet a more dynamic, diverse group of girls.

As I watch them interact, I know statistically, two of them will experience sexual or physical abuse from a dating partner. That absolutely breaks my heart. None of them are immune; none of them are more prone to experience violence over the others. But there is one way to prevent them from experiencing the trauma of abuse and that is through education.

Start the conversation

We all have a role to play in ending domestic violence and sexual assault, and it starts with education. Knowing the warning signs and resources available is a very important first step. The Domestic Violence Network works with area schools on educating our youth about teen dating violence and healthy relationships. Those conversations need to carry over into the home.

The very best time to have these conversations is before your child starts dating. If you’re uncertain on how to start the conversation, here are some pointers. Talking to your kids about the dangers of drinking underage, strangers and texting while driving are all conversations to have. Talking about teen dating violence is just as important.

Advocate in your child’s school

The Domestic Violence Network provides an array of interactive presentations at no charge. Encourage your child’s middle and high school to host an educational series for students and parents. We can change the culture that leads to domestic violence, and it starts with you. By having the conversation with the young people in your life and advocating for education in schools, we can take a stand and say NO MORE.

For more information on how to bring the Domestic Violence Network to your child’s school, contact Lindsay Hill .

kelly and ava

Kelly with her daughter Ava


Kelly McBride has been the executive director for the Domestic Violence Network since November 2013 and with the organization since July 2010.
