Changing the culture that leads to domestic violence.

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NO MORE Club Students

All the information and resources students and staff need to start a NO MORE club at school is right here! The bundle includes: step-by-step instructions for getting approval to...

LGBTQ+ Endorsement Process Information

To ensure equitable treatment of all people and compliance with recent VAWA standards, the Service Equality Task Force led by service providers from the Domestic Violence Network, The Julian...

Coburn Place

The Coburn Place program is the largest and most comprehensive transitional housing program (6 months to 2 years) in Indianapolis, Indiana. Click here for more information.

Alternatives, Inc.

Alternatives, Inc. provides advocacy and shelter to those who experience domestic and sexual violence in Hamilton, Hancock, Henry, Madison, Marion, and Tipton counties. Crisis: (866) 593-9999, Shelter: (765)...

Families First

Families First has the resolve and expertise to create healthier communities by strengthening families and individuals during life challenges and changes through advocacy, counseling, and batterers intervention programs. Click...

The Center for Victim and Human Rights

The Center for Victim and Human Rights provides low cost or no cost legal services to crime and human rights abuse victims, and engages in policy development and educational...