Changing the culture that leads to domestic violence.

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Youth Network Member Brings DVN to her School and Lands a Spot on the NEWS!

As part of Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month, Ava, one of our Youth Network members asked me to come during her school’s lunch hour to host a resource table and meet the students of Northview Middle School in Washington Township.  Weeks earlier, Ava and other Youth Network members creatively put together valentines with teen dating violence resources and attached a bracelet promoting the Youth Network’s next awareness event.  Ava and I were able to pass those out, along with other important relationship resources.  Many students excitedly walked up to the table, and Ava did an impressive job of explaining why we were there and why the resources on the table were so important.  

At the conclusion of lunch hour, I got a call that Fox59/CBS4 wanted to interview Ava and I at the school about Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month and the upcoming symposium being held on Saturday, February 18th (see below for event details).  Without hesitation, Ava jumped on the opportunity to be a voice for her peers, school, and community.  Below is a picture of our community’s very own #CultureChanger being interviewed.

Ava is a shining example of the impact just ONE person can have on a school or community, and I am endlessly proud of her and the other Youth Network members involved in making our schools and community healthy and safe.

And… Guess WHAT?!  YOU can be just like Ava!  I am always looking for new #CultureChangers and Youth Network members.  If you would like to learn more about being a youth activist in your school and community, send me an email at OR send me a snap at DVNLinds.  You have a voice that MATTERS and is undeniably IMPORTANT.  I want to help you find that voice and share it.  🙂

Stay Kind, Culture Changers!

