Changing the culture that leads to domestic violence.

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Rebecca Berry

Welcome DVN’s New Strategic Collaboration Specialist!

Rebecca Berry is joining the DVN team as our New Strategic Collaboration Specialist – we’re so excited to have her join us!

“I am the Strategic Collaboration Specialist here at Domestic Violence Network. My background is in education and human development. I have had the privilege to take part in community engagement for the last 12+ years, including teaching at-risk youth, directing non-profit programs and working as a direct service provider to trafficked young women.

I am most looking forward to building relationships and creating resources for the communities we serve and shift the culture surrounding domestic violence.

Outside of work, I am a trauma-informed yoga teacher who loves going on long walks with my dog, taking naps, curating Spotify playlists, reading about trauma and the brain, and eating Gushers.”

– An introduction from Rebecca

You can reach Rebecca at