More than Awareness
Sexual Assault Awareness Month 2016
The Domestic Violence Network and our community partners are working hard to make April 2016 the most impactful Sexual Assault Awareness Month in central Indiana history. Starting April 1st, the community will have opportunities to attend rallies, panel discussions and a variety of other events to show solidarity for those who have experienced sexual violence and engage in this multi-faceted issue.
We have had the privilege of working with IUPUI and the University of Indianapolis as they host panel discussions, facilitated by DVN, on a culture which normalizes sexual assault through attitudes and behaviors. Panelists will discuss current attitudes about women among politicians, the implications of dress codes for youth and language which contributes to rationalizing sexual assault.
We invite you to review the complete list of Sexual Assault Awareness Month activities on the DVN calendar here and learn how you can become part of the movement to end sexual violence.