Changing the culture that leads to domestic violence.

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About Us

Who We Are

The Domestic Violence Network (DVN) leads our community in cultural change toward ending domestic violence, once and for all. We work with the public to gather data, deliver better resources, and engage with influencers.

We work through these four main program areas:

  • Our Adult Training Program
  • Our Youth Program
  • Our Community Wide Plan
  • Our Advocates Network

Our work is focused on education with the idea that informing our community on issues related directly and indirectly to domestic and other types of violence will change the culture that leads to that violence. DVN does not provide direct service to victims/survivors, but these organizations do. Our work is heavily based on prevention so our direct service providers can focus on serving those impacted by this human issue.

Mission Statement

The mission of the Domestic Violence Network is to change the culture that leads to domestic violence through advocacy, education, and collaboration in the community at large.

Visit our Values and Statements page to read more about who we are as an organization.

Visit our DVN Team page to learn about our staff and board members.

Are you interested in becoming more involved in DVN’s mission? Sign up to receive emails from DVN & stay current!

Annual Reports