Advocate Network Spotlight – Kareema Boykin, The Legacy House
Have you ever met someone who emits the most wonderful and positive vibe – no matter what? I have! And, I want you to meet her too. She is a valuable asset to our community, and more importantly, she creates a safe place for survivors of trauma to begin the healing process. I am honored to know her, and I know our community is better because of her. Without further ado, Ms. Kareema Boykin…
What is your role at The Legacy House?
At Legacy House, my primary role is counseling for children and adolescents who have experienced some form of trauma. Some examples include childhood sexual abuse, rape, witnessing or being a victim of domestic violence, homicide, suicide and other traumas. I also see some adults and crisis clients who have also experienced trauma.
What do you enjoy most about your job?
What I LOVE most about my job is helping people. I was the kid in first grade that raised her hand and said, “I want to help people when I grow up.” I remember it like it was yesterday. I love helping my kids have someone to REALLY talk to about ANYTHING that is bothering them. Advocating for them when it involves communicating with a parent or caregiver. Facilitating positive changes in their life that THEY want. I love the good the bad and the ugly of this wonderful field of social services.
I LOVE coming to work EVERYDAY laughing and being goofy with my coworkers. Yes, I get overwhelmed and tired sometimes, but I truly love my career path. I am blessed to know my purpose and walk in it.
What is your favorite drink?
Um……water. I usually add a Kool-Aid packet to it when it’s boring. lol
Would you rather soak up the sun on a beach or frolic in the mountains?
My favorite season is definitely summer and I was born in June, so give me the sun any day. The summer also gives extra life to my spirit. But I am also spontaneous and love adventures so I would definitely frolic in the mountains.
If you could give one piece of advice to your fellow advocates, what would it be?
Self-care is necessary and important. Taking care of others means taking care of YOU!! Choose YOU!!