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Pillars of Policy for Child Sexual Abuse Prevention

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March 18, 2015
11:00 am - 2:00 pm

It could be argued that critical conversations are the mechanism in which tangible social change can occur. The art of sharing, arguing, or deconstructing theoretical concepts, until they become more malleable for practice, is not easy, but moves us in the field of child sexual abuse prevention to the places we want to go. As an example, the Coalition to Prevent Child Sexual Abuse and Exploitation has released the Six Pillars of Prevention to build a dialogue around the creation of a comprehensive policy agenda to benefit children and prevent sexual abuse. In this web conference, participants will learn how policy matters in prevention work, and what tools they can use to bridge the theory of action with the practice of action. In this web conference, participants will learn how policy matters in prevention work, and what tools they can use to bridge the theory of action with the practice of action.

This web conference is a part of PreventConnect and Ms. Foundation for Women’s third year of the #PowerInPrevention: Ending Child Sexual Abuse Web Conference Series.

Hosts:  Leona Smith Di FaustinoJoan Tabachnick and Cordelia Anderson

Learning Objectives:

  • Describe why policy matters to prevention
  • Name three key elements of Pillars of Prevention
  • Identify key strategies for using this new resource in your work/community


  • Recording: Coming soon
  • Slides: Coming Soon
  • Text chat transcript: Coming Soon
  • Blog summarizing this web conference: Coming Soon
  • Captioning transcript: Coming soon
  • Six Pillars for Prevention

Real-Time Captioning Available: Instructions for accessing captioning during this web conference will be provided with your registration confirmation.

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