Faith-Based Reentry Programs for Women: Insights from a Formerly Incarcerated Woman Who Created One
February 25, 2016
3:00 pm - 4:30 pm
Faith-Based Reentry Programs for Women: Insights from a Formerly Incarcerated Woman Who Created One
Thursday, February 25, 2016 / 3:00-4:30 Eastern Time
Presented by: Rhonda Bear, Founder & Director, She Brews Coffee House, Director, His House Outreach Ministries (Claremore, OK)
This webinar is part of a series about When Survivors Reenter their Communities after Jail or Prison hosted by the National Clearinghouse for the Defense of Battered Women.
Content: After serving time in state prison, Rhonda Bear was inspired by her experiences and her faith to assist other formerly incarcerated women. Ms. Bear currently directs both She Brews Coffee House, which she founded in 2012, and His House Outreach Ministries, which she founded in 2008, a program that includes multiple faith-based transitional homes and programs for women. During the webinar, Ms. Bear will talk about her programs, what led her to create them, and why she chose the models she did. She will also discuss barriers that women – particularly those with histories of being battered and of other forms of trauma – face after leaving prison and returning to their communities, and ways to help women overcome those barriers. She will share her thoughts about what she sees as effective interventions and strategies, and identify problematic or even harmful approaches to working with reentering women. She will also discuss the need for advocates and other practitioners to identify and address trauma (before, during and after incarceration). Additionally, Ms. Bear will talk about the faith-based aspects of her program, as well as what she does to make her program welcoming to all (regardless of a woman’s faith tradition or current spiritual practice).
Intended audience: Anyone currently working with, or planning to work with, charged, incarcerated, and reentering women and/or victims of battering will benefit from this webinar. This may include community- and system-based advocates, reentry program staff, criminal justice professionals (including probation and parole officers) and community corrections staff.
Registration Details: This webinar is open to FVPSA and OVW Grantees and to the general public. Do you require closed captioning? The National Clearinghouse requires at least 5 business days’ notice. Please email us at with “Closed Captioning Reentry Webinar #13” in the subject line.