Changing the culture that leads to domestic violence.

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Coordinated Community Response (CCR) Problem-Solving Series: Part 2

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August 11, 2016
12:00 pm - 1:30 pm

Coordinated Community Response (CCR) Problem-Solving Series

Part 2: Bringing the Prosecution into Your CCR Team
Thursday, August 11, 2016 / 1:00-2:30 CT

Content: As one of the central players in the criminal justice system response to domestic violence and other gender-based crimes, the prosecutor wields a great deal of power and when the person who occupies that role lacks an understanding of domestic violence, the impact can be deep and wide. In part two of the series, Mary Ingham and Sandi Tibbetts Murphy will discuss the challenges that arise when the prosecutor is not on board with the goals of the coordinated community response and provide possible solutions for practitioners to consider. They will also examine how a well-functioning multi-agency response can play a vital role in mitigating this challenge and the ongoing role of the advocacy agency in maintaining positive relationships.

Presenters: Mary Ingham, Executive Director, Crisis Intervention Service, Mason City, IA and Sandra Tibbetts Murphy, Legal & Policy Advisor, BWJP

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