Building Collaboration to Support People with Disabilities Who Experience Sexual Violence
March 27, 2014
1:30 pm - 3:00 pm
Dr. Beverly Frantz will explore issues frequently overlooked when addressing victimization, specifically sexual violence, against persons with disabilities. The issue of sexual victimization presents a huge grey area that is often side stepped, leaving survivors without supports and services. Dr. Frantz will share important information criminal justice and disability professionals need to know about how to effectively serve these victims and how our own attitudes, experiences, and skill set influence how we respond to survivors with disabilities. Participants will learn how “word choice” can impact the type of sexual assault services victims receive, the importance of “touch” as a proactive strategy for reducing risk of sexual victimization and understand how survivors with complex communication needs can testify in court.
The webinar will take place on March 27, at 1:30PM EST. Registration for this webinar and archived copies of past webinars are available on the Justice Center website.
As always, please feel free to share this information with anyone you think may be interested and direct any questions to